Christ Cathedral To Unveil Unique Art Exhibit

Christ Cathedral To Unveil Unique Art Exhibit

Christ Cathedral invites the public to a reception on Friday, February 16 to unveil the “Artists Way Of The Cross” art exhibit, in the Cathedral main sanctuary, at 138 S. Eighth Street in downtown Salina.

Designed to complement the Lenten-season Stations of the Cross tradition that represents events leading up to Christ’s crucifixion, the exhibit features 14 artists, each of whom have interpreted a Station of the Cross in their preferred medium and style.

“This multi-artist project evolved in an impactful and unique way,” says Mo. Shay Craig, Dean of Christ Cathedral. “As far as we know, no other church in our area has ever invited this many artists to interpret Christ’s journey to the cross in this immediate, visual way.” Artists creating work for the exhibit are: Carolyn Carpenter, Sandy Clanton, Wayne Conyers, Rick Frisbie, Linda Foster, Pam Harris, Steve Hoffman, Becky Hyberger, Ruth Moritz, Rusty Nelson, Karla Prickett, Marcie Roth, Kristy Yenkey and Debbie Wagner.

The “Artists Way of the Cross” exhibit was originally conceived by Mo. Shay, but “the idea took fire in the minds of the Cathedral Arts Committee, comprised of Debbie Wagner, Steve Hoffman and Wayne DeBey,” she says. “The 14 artists whose work visitors will experience offer a glimpse of what each artist sees in these scriptures. Their pieces articulate deep emotion, soaring imagination and beautiful theology.”

Historically, the first Stations of the Cross were built in the fifth century in
Bologna, Italy, with the tradition encouraged by the Franciscans. At Christ
Cathedral, in the four weeks leading up to Easter Sunday, March 31, people can
gather on Wednesday evenings to “walk the way,” represented by the Cathedral’s
existing carved-wood Station stops and by the new artist works, to pray and hear
music, engaging with the last few days and hours of the life of Christ. “The
addition of each artist’s interpretation of their chosen Station will make this experience even more special this year,” says Craig.

The “Artists Way of the Cross” exhibit unveils at the Friday, February 16 reception from 5:30 to 8 p.m. It also will be open to the public and church and civic groups by appointment, through Saturday, March 30. The exhibit complements the Cathedral’s early-February music concert featuring New York City pianist Landon Wilson, a church member now living and studying in New York City. “Our commitment to Salina’s rich cultural heritage is tangible,” says Craig, who celebrates one year as the Cathedral’s dean in March. “We want everyone to feel welcome to our beautiful, historic Cathedral for cultural enrichment, learning and worship.”

There is no admission fee to see the “Artists Way of the Cross” six-week exhibit. Those wishing to make a donation once they view it may do so to support the Cathedral’s Arts Committee. Those who attend the exhibit reception on Friday, February 16 can stay to enjoy an organ concert by Cathedral Director of Music Nancy Bauer, designed to help visitors experience art with their eyes, ears and hearts.

Christ Cathedral considers itself central to Salina’s community fabric, as “the church at the heart of the city with a heart for the city.” For more information on the “Artists Way of the Cross” exhibit or other Cathedral happenings, contact Cathedral staff at 785-827-4440, visit or click to

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