Burglary Suspect Apprehended After Altercation and Theft of Food Items

Burglary Suspect Apprehended After Altercation and Theft of Food Items
Photo - Salina Police Department Website

A burglary occurred on the morning of April 22nd in the 600 block of Beverly. A 61-year-old male victim discovered his front door forced open, with Marcos Martinez, a 54-year-old male, inside. The door sustained $150 in damages. Martinez claimed ownership of the residence but was pushed out by the victim after a struggle.

Martinez stole food items before being apprehended by police in the 1500 block of Beverly, where he was blocking a school bus. The victim identified Martinez, who was found in possession of a TV remote from the house. Martinez faces charges of burglary, theft, property damage, and battery.

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