A Stormy Evening in Salina: Thunderstorms and High Winds

A Stormy Evening in Salina: Thunderstorms and High Winds
Photo by Kyla Johnson

Salina found itself at the epicenter of a powerful weather system Wednesday evening, with residents battening down the hatches against strong thunderstorms and fierce winds.

The National Weather Service (NWS) forecasted a night of stormy weather, predicting that showers and thunderstorms would impact the region throughout the evening and continue into the overnight hours.

The storms unleashed gusts of wind reaching speeds of up to 48 miles per hour (there have been unconfirmed reports of wind speeds up to 90 mph) and dropping .86 inch of rain.

The intense weather necessitated road closures, and there has been serious damage reported in multiple locations across Salina. Other locations were impacted due to downed power lines and standing water.

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