UPDATE: One Cited in 2-Vehicle Crash in Central Salina

UPDATE: One Cited in 2-Vehicle Crash in Central Salina
photo by Kyla Johnson

UPDATE: Captain Forrester says that the injury accident occurred at Crawford and 5th St on Tuesday, May 9 at noon. A 48-year-old Salina woman was driving a 2018 Jeep Cherokee eastbound on Crawford, and turned left into a 2014 Chevy Cruz driving westbound on Crawford by a 31-year-old Salina man.

Both drivers had minor injuries to their arms from the airbags being deployed, but were not transported. The vehicles both sustained extensive front-end damage and were towed from the scene.

The female was cited for failure to yield the right of way and no valid drivers license.

Just after noon on Tuesday, May 9, first responders were at the intersection of Crawford and 5th for what appeared to be a 2-vehicle accident. Reports indicated that traffic was being diverted to 4th St, but any injuries were unclear at the time. Salina311 will have more information as it becomes available.

photo from Salina Police Scanner By Salina311.com
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