Salina Police Arrest Two Men in Property Damage Incident

Salina Police Arrest Two Men in Property Damage Incident

On June 15 at 11:30 pm, police responded to a property damage report in the 2800 block of South Ohio Street. A 55-year-old male victim reported that former coworker Nicholas Bryan, 46, of Salina, caused a disturbance at his home, banging on the door and breaking a front window valued at $2,200. Jose Gonzolaz, 43, drove the getaway vehicle, and the suspects fled before police arrived.

Officers tracked the suspects to Bryan's residence in the 700 block of Ralph Avenue. Gonzalez attempted to flee out the back door and became combative when officers arrested him, leading to his being tased.

During the encounter, Bryan also became belligerent and threatened officers, mentioning a gun. He was detained after a struggle. He was taken to Salina Regional Health Center and treated for a cut sustained while breaking the victim's window. While at the hospital, he was also allegedly belligerent towards hospital staff.

Bryan's requested charges are property damage and criminal threat, while Gonzalez has requested charges of property damage and obstruction. The motive for the visit to the victim's house remains unclear, as the victim stated they had not seen each other for some time.

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