WWII POW Camps in Kansas, A First Thursday Presentation

During World War II, there were hundreds of thousands of German prisoners of war to feed, house and guard. This job went to the well over 600 camps in 47 of the (then) 48 states. Kansas pulled her weight, with 16 camps. Join Lowell A. May, as he shares about the camps, their size, where they were, how they impacted local life as well as the men inside them. He’ll also touch on what became of some of the camps and bring a camp model to display. May is an independent researcher, author, popular speaker and member of the POW Camp Concordia Preservation Society.

This presentation is offered by the Smoky Hill Museum, Thursday, June 1, 5:30-6:30 pm. Experience the panel in-person or register to watch it via Zoom, at www.smokyhillmuseum.org.