Update on Vape and Cigar Shop Burglary on West Crawford Street

Update on Vape and Cigar Shop Burglary on West Crawford Street

In an update to the burglary that occurred at Vape and Cigar on 1201 West Crawford Street during the early hours of August 16, 2024, significant developments have been made. Initially, police were dispatched around 1:30 am after an alarm was triggered, finding the store's glass door shattered and the premises ransacked. Vape products were stolen, and the store suffered $800 in damages.

At approximately 8:00 am this morning, officers responded to a call from Dillon's, also located at 1201 West Crawford Street, regarding two juvenile runaways from St. Francis. Upon locating the juveniles, officers determined that they were responsible for the earlier break-in at the Vape store. Some of the stolen items were recovered, though further details are yet to be released. The investigation is ongoing.


In the early hours of August 16, 2024, at approximately 1:30 am, police were dispatched to Vape and Cigar, located at 1201 West Crawford Street, after the store's alarm was triggered. Upon arrival, officers found the glass door shattered, indicating a break-in.

The suspects went through the store, stealing vape products, although the exact amount stolen is yet to be determined. No cash was reported missing. Employees, who later arrived at the scene, confirmed the theft. Additionally, a glass display case inside the store was broken, resulting in $800 worth of damage—$600 for the door and $200 for the case.

Authorities are awaiting video footage to assist in identifying the suspects. The investigation remains ongoing.

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