Saline County Commission Approves New Healthcare Services Contract for Jail

During the Commission meeting on March 26, 2024, a crucial decision was made regarding healthcare services at the Saline County Jail. The Sheriff’s Office had been contracting with Advanced Correctional Healthcare, Inc. (ACH) since 2015, but due to unexpected changes and a significant proposed increase in costs, the contract was terminated.

The Sheriff's Office swiftly sought alternatives and negotiated a contract with Turn Key Health Clinics to provide inmate health services and electronic medical records, ensuring uninterrupted medical care for inmates. The annual cost of the new contract with Turn Key is $568,780.30, which is significantly lower than the proposed renewal cost from ACH, saving the county substantial funds.

With the emergency nature of the situation, the County Counselor reviewed and signed off on the contract, which was then ratified by the County Commission in a unanimous vote. The budget impact will be covered by the Sheriff’s Budget, prioritizing the provision of essential healthcare services while maintaining fiscal responsibility.