Salina Airport Authority Secures Funding for Overnight Flight Agreement

During the County Commission meeting on February 13, 2024, a critical decision was made regarding funding for the Salina Airport Authority's initiative to attract an overnight flight to the Salina Airport. This initiative, which aims to bolster the airport's offerings and enhance regional connectivity, was presented to the Commission on December 12, 2023.
The Salina Airport Authority had requested the allocation of $400,000 in American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to match $500,000 in other community funding to support this endeavor. Following negotiations with Skywest Airlines, an agreement was reached to implement the overnight flight service. To formalize this agreement, the County Administration proposed the allocation of funds as requested.
Upon deliberation, the Commission approved and signed the agreement, thereby providing the necessary funding to the Salina Airport Authority. This decision aligns with prior Commission direction and signifies a significant step forward in realizing the goal of attracting an overnight flight to the Salina Airport.
Regarding the budget impact, it's important to note that expenditures of federal funds are not subject to the County's adopted budget per State law. As such, there are sufficient funds available for the award as recommended by staff.
With this decision, the Salina Airport Authority can proceed with confidence in implementing the overnight flight service, contributing to the airport's growth and serving the needs of the local community.