Saline County Road Vacation Proposal for Mattson Road Approved

At the County Commission meeting on February 13, 2024, a request was made to vacate a portion of Mattson Road and Farrelly Road. This request, submitted by Tod Roberg, stemmed from the approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a new sand pit for American Sand & Gravel LLC. The proposed road vacation was supported by Gary Harbin of Harbin Farm Enterprises LLC, who intends to install a pivot irrigation system overlapping the existing road right of way.

Currently, T&R Construction is constructing an access road to the new sand pit location. Upon completion, an access easement agreement between American Sand and Gravel LLC and Harbin Farm Enterprises LLC will be filed with the Register of Deeds. Saline County Road and Bridge endorsed this vacation request, taking into account the necessity of providing access to an AT&T phone line utilizing the current right of way.

The Commission reviewed the proposal and voted to proceed with the road vacation as requested. The approved steps include publishing a "Notice of Hearing for Vacation of Road" in the Saline County paper of record, sending a "Publishers Affidavit" via certified mail to the petitioner, adjacent landowners, and affected utility companies, holding a public hearing, approving and signing a resolution of the right-of-way vacation, and filing the resolution with the Register of Deeds office.

The budget impact of legal publication and certified mailing of notices to adjacent landowners is estimated at approximately $550, to be covered by the County Clerk's budget. With the Commission's approval, the road vacation process will move forward, facilitating the development plans associated with the sand pit project.