Saline County Commission Approves Bid Award for Traffic Paint and Beads

During the February 13, 2024 meeting, the Saline County Commission deliberated on a request from the Road and Bridge Department to award the bid for water-borne (latex) traffic line paint and reflective glass traffic beads. Sealed bids were opened on February 6, 2024, with four bids received for the paint and six bids for the glass traffic beads.

The commission was informed that the bid would cover the repainting of centerlines on all county roads, totaling 175 miles of asphalt surfaced road. The bid included 2,750 gallons of yellow paint and 6,250 gallons of white paint, covering approximately 75% of the roads.

After careful consideration, the staff recommended accepting the lowest bid for both the yellow and white traffic paint from Diamond Vogel, Inc. and the low bid for the reflective glass traffic beads from McConnell & Associates Corp. The combined materials would amount to $138,225.00.

To fund this purchase, staff proposed allocating the amount from the budgeted account for Paint & Beads, supplemented by the Special Highway Improvement Fund to cover the remaining cost exceeding the budgeted line item.

The County Commission passed the recommendation in a 5-0 vote, ensuring the continuation of pavement striping for a safe county road system.