SPD Hosts Meet & Greet

The Salina Police Department (SPD) recently organized a Community Meet & Greet at Sunset Park. Aimed at fostering positive interactions between the community and its local law enforcement, the event provided a platform to discuss and enlighten attendees about local law enforcement laws and SPD policies. The occasion offered an opportunity for community members to meet and converse with SPD officers, dispatchers, and Chief C.J. Wise, bolstering a sense of camaraderie. The police personnel actively engaged with the attendees, responding to a variety of questions and concerns.

Besides the exchange of information, the event also served as an informal social platform, with approximately 45 people in attendance. In an extra show of community spirit, SPD provided lunch for the gathering, featuring grilled hotdogs, the provision of which was generously supported by a donation from Sam's Club. Teresa Hernandez, the facilitator of the event, offered insights about the Citizen's Review Board and SPD procedures, further cementing the event's focus on transparency and connection.