Saline County Mounted Patrol to Conduct Vital Training Exercise

Saline County Mounted Patrol to Conduct Vital Training Exercise

In an effort to bolster the preparedness of its Mounted Patrol team, the Saline County Mounted Patrol is set to engage in a training exercise in the southeast region of Saline County on Saturday, December 16th. This proactive measure aims to simulate real-life scenarios, further honing the skills of the all-volunteer first response group.

The exercises play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of the community, allowing the Mounted Patrol to enhance their capabilities in handling various situations. In light of this, it is kindly urged that the public grant responders the necessary space to carry out their training effectively. It is essential that community members refrain from interfering with the exercise to facilitate the optimal learning environment for the Mounted Patrol.

As a dedicated all-volunteer first response group, the Saline County Mounted Patrol remains committed to safeguarding the community, and cooperation in providing them with the space they need is greatly appreciated.

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