Saline County Commission Deliberates Concrete Pavement Bid

In the latest County Commission Meeting held on Tuesday, Commissioners heard a bid for the concrete pavement project proposed by the Saline County Road and Bridge Department.

Request for Action
The Saline County Road and Bridge Department has formally submitted a request to grant the bid for the Concrete Pavement Construction project. After the sealed bids were unveiled on October 31, at 11 am, a total of nine bids were received. This project, spanning 1,172.1 square yards, aims to replace the existing gravel surface at the Road and Bridge yard with an 8” concrete pavement. The concrete will address drainage issues and minimize mud tracking into the facility, with the east end tying into the storm sewer area inlet and replacing pavement that has aged between 40 to 60 years.

Staff Recommendation
Staff recommended the acceptance of bid unit prices from Bar-S Construction, with an estimated project cost of $133,085.37.

Budget Impact
Funding for this project will be allocated from the Road and Bridge Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), with $184,995 earmarked specifically for this project.

Following discussion, the motion passed with a 3-0 vote. Commissioner Weese dissented, while Commissioner Vidricksen was absent from the meeting.