Salina Man Reports Vehicle Theft in North Salina

Salina Man Reports Vehicle Theft in North Salina
This story was featured in the Salina311 Newspaper. Subscribe To The Paper

A vehicle is missing from north Salina.

Captain Forrester says that the vehicle theft occurred sometime between April 8 and 10, in the 500 block of N 7th. A 78-year-old Salina man reported that his light blue 1990 GMC Sierra Pickup, KS tag 328 HLH, with a rusty lift gate on the back, was parked in the area. He noticed it missing on April 8, however, he was not concerned for a few days as family members normally borrow the vehicle. However, on April 10, it was confirmed with family that they did not have it. The truck is valued at $8,000.

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