Salina Area United Way Announces Opening of 2023-2024 Funded Partner Applications
After a successful return to Funded Partners during 2022-2023, Salina Area United Way is excited to announce the opening of 2023-2024 Funded Partner applications. Applications are now open to qualified nonprofit organizations as of Monday, May 1, 2023.
Last year, staff came to the decision to return to Funded Partners after many deep discussions with business leaders, engaged community members, and local non-profit organizations. Joining Salina Area United Way as a Funded Partner means joining a funded partnership where the end goal of impact is now.
Applications will be accepted throughout the next month, with a closing submission deadline of Friday, June 2, at Noon. Funded Partners will be selected and awarded based on specific criteria outlined by community volunteer members of the Salina Area United Way Grants Committee and Board of Directors. Applications can be found on the Salina Area United Way website at
“Being a Funded Partner is a dedicated, reliable funding and mission focused collaboration,” says Amanda Otto, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina and a 2022-2023 Funded Partner of Salina Area United Way. “Funded Partners has given us the funding opportunity to match 35 youth with a positive adult role model. This is instrumental in meeting the need for mentors in Saline County.”
Salina Area United Way’s mission is to Strengthen Our Community with direct and immediate impact through three goals: health, education, and financial stability.
For more information about the Salina Area United Way and Funded Partners, visit, or contact the Salina Area United Way office at 785-827-1312.