Residents Voice Concerns About Snow Removal Efforts at Commission Meeting

At the January 13, 2025 Salina City Commission meeting, several residents expressed concerns about the city's snow removal efforts following a recent snowstorm.

Ben Windholz, a Salina resident, addressed the commission during the citizens forum. He acknowledged that the Street Department "did a really good job of opening the streets after the storm," but questioned the activities between Monday and Thursday following the snowfall. Windholz stated he didn't observe any snow removal trucks on main thoroughfares such as Broadway, Crawford, and Ohio during this period.

Windholz also raised questions about prioritization, noting that he observed a pickup with a blade clearing the second entrance to the municipal golf course on Wednesday. He asked, "What is your priorities? Why would you be clearing out that when there isn't going to be any golf going on anyway?"

In response, Commissioner Longbine mentioned that the Parks Department employees cleared off their areas themselves.

Bernard Baker, an additional speaker, raised concerns about the proximity of snow plowing to curbs. Baker stated, "The plows did a good job except for one thing. They were too far from the curb." He described instances where snow piles were left three feet from the curb, causing difficulties for drivers.

In response to these concerns, Commissioner Longbine mentioned that the city will be conducting an after-action review of the snow removal efforts. He also noted that the city plans to meet with the school district to discuss the response.

The commission did not take any immediate action on these concerns during the meeting, but the planned review suggests the city will be examining its snow removal procedures.