Nex-Tech to Deepen Support of KWU Scholarships, Athletics
The recent momentum around Kansas Wesleyan has attracted a great deal of regional attention, and corporate partnerships are no exception. It was announced Wednesday that Nex-Tech will support KWU's scholarship program for the next several years and that the organization's recent contributions to athletics will continue, as well.
"We're excited to announce Nex-Tech's additional support," said Ken Oliver, KWU's executive vice president of advancement and university operations. "They are committed to scholarships for students throughout the region and, as KWU's scholarship opportunities continue to grow, we're proud to have them deepen their support of us."
Fans will notice Nex-Tech signage on the JRI Stadium press box, as well as on the scoreboard and at designated events throughout the academic year. The nature and amount of Nex-Tech's support of KWU scholarships will be announced April 20 at KWU's Scholarship Gala.