New Commissioner Grevas Joins Saline County Board

New Commissioner Grevas Joins Saline County Board

At the January 14th meeting of the Saline County Board of Commissioners, a new face was present at the dais. Commissioner Grevas has joined the board, filling the seat previously held by Commissioner Vidricksen.

County Administrator Philip Smith-Hanes acknowledged the change during his update, stating, "As you all are aware, we have a new commissioner who has joined the board. Welcome to Miss Grevas."

Smith-Hanes informed the commission that orientation tours with various departments were being conducted for the new commissioner. He invited other commissioners to participate in these tours if they desired a refresher on any department's operations.

The addition of Commissioner Grevas has prompted some changes in the board's structure. During the reorganization portion of the meeting, a motion was passed to appoint Commissioner Sparks as chairman, Commissioner Shadwick as vice chairman, and Commissioner Grevas as secretary.

The county is also planning a study session on January 28th, which will focus on team building for the new commission composition. This session will be held at the court services training room, formerly known as the Sheriff's training room.

As part of her new role, Commissioner Grevas has been appointed to the Public Building Commission, taking over the position previously held by former Commissioner Vidricksen's appointee.

The transition marks a new chapter in Saline County's governance, with the board now complete and ready to address the county's ongoing business and future challenges.

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