Meals on Wheels In Need Of Volunteers
Meals On Wheels has grown and is in need of volunteers to deliver meals to seniors within Salina. Currently, there are 17 routes delivering approximately 260 meals. Several routes are getting too large and need split into two routes to make it easier on volunteers. Volunteers deliver every 6th week in a rotation schedule with other volunteers.
Meals On Wheels, housed at the Senior Center has a full kitchen to provide a hot meal for seniors which can help them stay in their home while providing daily contact. This program ensures they receive nutritious meals and a friendly conversation with a volunteer or staff member they know. Hot meals are also served within the dining room where socialization is key to maintaining a connection to society. The dining room is open to all ages with meals being served from 11:15 - 1:15 pm.
If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a Meals On Wheels volunteer please contact Kathy Diaz-Dunn, Meals On Wheels Coordinator at 785-823-7555, or stop by the Senior Center at 245 N. 9th Street.