Master Gardener training begins September 1st

Master Gardener training begins September 1st

If you enjoy gardening, learning, and giving back as a volunteer, consider becoming a Master Gardener in 2022.  Central Kansas District K-State Research and Extension will be offering the 2022 Master Gardener Basic Training Course starting September 1st.

Master Gardener basic training classes begin September 1st and will run each Thursday from 1pm to 4 p.m. through December 15th.  This training will primarily be held online through zoom each week, but there will be 4 in person meeting days throughout the training as well.  Topics covered include: basic botany, soil fertility, insects, diseases, tree and shrub care, vegetables, fruit gardening, turf management, wildlife, annual and perennial flowers and more.

Who are Master Gardeners?

Master Gardeners are K-State Research & Extension volunteers who enjoy cultivating their own plants and gardens while sharing their skills and knowledge with the community around them to help others grow.  Volunteering as an Extension Master Gardener is a wonderful way to enrich your life and the lives of others.

Why become a Master Gardener?

The decision to become a Master Gardener can be very rewarding.  It is a decision to take your horticulture knowledge to the next level, and it is also a commitment to find creative ways to make a difference in our community while sharing that knowledge with the people and places around you.

Training is just one great benefit.  Master Gardeners receive a 40-hour-plus horticulture training course from K-State Extension specialists and county Extension agents.  The basic training provides a great starting point for those new to gardening, but is also in depth enough to apply to gardeners of any skill level.  Other benefits of being a Master Gardener include the camaraderie of people who share similar passions, receiving ongoing horticulture training and support through K-State Research and Extension, and other local horticulture opportunities.

What about volunteering?

Once training is complete, Master Gardeners are encouraged to take their knowledge out to the community to share it with others in unique and meaningful ways.  First year Master Gardeners volunteer 40 hours of time and during succeeding years have a commitment of just 20 hours to remain active.

Master Gardener volunteer time can be selected from current Master Gardener projects and can also be tailored to individual abilities and interests.  Master Gardeners are encouraged to find their creativity in looking for ways to impact the community.  A few activities many Master Gardeners enjoy volunteering on include:  the demonstration garden, community gardens, county fairs, and educational garden tours and events.

Apply online

Space for the course  is limited and applications can be filled out online at and are due by August 26th, 2022.    K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Jason Graves

Horticulture Extension Agent

Central Kansas District
