Leadership Salina Enhances Safety at Salina Family YMCA with New Fence Installation

Leadership Salina Enhances Safety at Salina Family YMCA with New Fence Installation
Photos provided by the YMCA

This weekend, a dedicated team from Leadership Salina, a program of the Salina Chamber of Commerce, completed a significant safety improvement project at the Salina Family YMCA. The project involved the installation of a new fence along the front side of the staff parking lot, designed to improve safety for YMCA staff crossing the street amid oncoming traffic.

Photos provided by the YMCA

In addition to the fence installation, the project also included landscaping enhancements and decorative cut-outs that reflect the YMCA’s diverse sports and wellness programs, helping to create a more visually appealing and functional space for both staff and visitors.Jerod Goodale, Director of Facilities at the Salina Family YMCA, expressed his deep appreciation for the efforts of the Leadership Salina group. β€œWe would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Leadership Salina Group for their incredible dedication and hard work on the fence project here at the Salina YMCA,” Goodale said. β€œTheir selflessness and commitment have made a lasting impact on the aesthetics and safety of our facility. Thank you for giving your time, energy, and expertise to this project!”

Photos provided by the YMCA

Kellen Womochil, Sales/Design at Landscape Consultants, LLC, and Leadership Salina Group spokesman emphasized the project's focus on community safety. "Our team is honored to have this opportunity to help serve our community and assist the YMCA in improving the safety of pedestrian traffic on their campus," Womochil said. "Our focus as a group is to protect our community as they continue to have active lifestyles and utilize the resources at the YMCA. Our project will allow pedestrians to safely cross the street at the designated crosswalk, with future plans of the city installing a raised crosswalk to encourage drivers to slow down and yield.

"The partnership between Leadership Salina and the Salina Family YMCA highlights the power of collaboration among local organizations working toward a common goal: making Salina a safer and more vibrant community. β€œWe could not be more grateful for the partnership we have with the Leadership Salina group," Goodale added. "Any opportunity to collaborate with community leaders who are working to make Salina a safer place to work and live is a win in our book!

”The installation of the fence and other improvements are just the beginning of ongoing efforts to make the YMCA a safer and more welcoming environment for everyone. The project is expected to further enhance the campus’s functionality and ensure a safer experience for YMCA staff and visitors alike.

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