Kansas Theatre goes to National Conference

Theatre Atchison’s production of “The Wall” was selected from among six productions to represent Region V at the American Association of Community Theatre Festival (AACT Fest) in Louisville, KY in June, 2023. The Region V Festival was hosted by Theatre Salina, April 20-23. Theatres from South Dakota, two from Minnesota, two from Iowa, and Theatre Atchison participated in the adjudicated performances over the weekend.
Directed by Theatre Atchison Artistic Director Layne Roate, the two-man play tells the story of the two thieves in their cell before they were crucified with Jesus. “Superior” was the word the three judges used in describing the show, and both actors, Cameron Carlson and Charles Peitsch received acting awards. Roate also received a Best Director award.
Other shows receiving accolades were; “The End of the Beginning” (FungusAmongus Players, MN) Dennis Kelly (Acting), Linda Metcalf (Costumes) and, Ron Hunderford (Sets), “Didn’t See That Coming”, Aberdeen Community Theatre (SD), Haley Salem and Tony Kollman (Acting); and “Tracks” County Seat Theater Company (MN), Ruthie Bruer (Acting), Joel and Jenn Soukkala (Sets), and Joel Soukkala and John Justad (Lights). “Tracks” was also the runner-up production.
Theatre Salina, that hosted, has been to Nationals twice. Once in 2001 with its production of “Wit” and again in 2019 with “Silent Sky”. Executive Director Michael Spicer said, “ It was such a great weekend of theatre representing the best from each state. Although there were several productions that could have represented Region V well, we are truly exciting for Theatre Atchison to represent Kansas and Region V at Nationals.”