Kansas Farm Bureau Holding Agriculture Event
Spring is the time for growing strong and here’s an event for rural and farm women who live in the northeast section of Kansas to do just that. “Growing Strong...Preparedness, Mental Health, Plant and Food Matters” is to be held on Saturday, May 20, in Manhattan, Kansas, and is hosted by two members of the Kansas Farm Bureau’s Women’s Leadership Committee. If you live in one of the counties listed below, please plan to attend this day of camaraderie and creative programs lined up with you in mind. Speakers will individually address topics on preparing for unexpected emergencies; creating a drought resistant container garden of Kansas plants; new agriculture education activities for children; helping our farm family and workers address mental health challenges; and exploring consumer questions on farm food.
Lunch will consist of Martinelli’s Chopped Chicken Salad with Radina’s home baked bread. There will be great door prizes and time to become acquainted with new women friends from the northeast corner of the state. Cost to attend is $10 and reservations can be made at www.kfb.org/growingstrong between now and May 12. Don’t miss this opportunity for fun, food, and fellowship.
Questions can be directed to Mary Mertz at 785-456-5839 or to Christine Russell, at 785-375-4830.
The counties that are included in this day to GROW STRONG are Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, Jackson, Jefferson, Leavenworth, Nemaha, Pottawatomie, Shawnee, Wyandotte, Clay Cloud, Dickinson, Geary, Marshall, Ottawa, Republic, Riley, Saline, and Washington.
The venue for the event is Fisher Hall, First Presbyterian Church of Manhattan, 801 Leavenworth and runs from 10 am until 3 pm. Come before and explore the wonderful Manhattan Farmers Market or stay after and shop the great stores of Poyntz Avenue and Aggieville. Come to grow! And bring a friend.