Join in for a New 4-H Year

Are you looking for an awesome and amazing way for your kids to build life skills, make new friends and have a lot of fun? Then 4-H is the program for you! I am nine years old and a fourth-year member of the Cardinal 4-H Club, and I can’t say enough good things about 4-H. It’s helped me learn all kinds of things and connected me with fun experiences like going to 4-H Camp, taking part in competitions, and showing off my projects at the Tri-Rivers Fair. I’ve also learned new life skills like public speaking, how to run a meeting correctly and how to be more responsible. Just this month, our club had a fun potluck to kick off the new 4-H year and welcomed several new members; you could join the fun, too! 4-H membership is open to all youth between the ages of 7 and 18 and a member may join ANY time throughout the year. If you, or someone you know is interested in learning more about the 4-H program, please contact our K-State Research and Extension 4-H office at 785-309-5850. Our world needs more leaders; we hope you will consider joining 4-H or connecting your kids, grandkids or the kids next door to this great program! 

By Parker Page, Age 9, Cardinal 4-H Club

Photo Descriptions: 

Parker Page, age 9, does a demonstration at County 4-H Club Day on how to make cornbread. 

Ella Riese, age 10, and Parker Page, age 9, learn new skills for their 4-H photography project. 

Parker Page, age 9, shares about her 4-H Fair projects at Holiday Resort Health & Rehab.