Jackman in touch with much to help UCM clients

By Tim Unruh

United Capital Management

Russia bombs a Ukrainian port to hobble its rival’s grain trade, and a hurricane in Florida pressures building material prices, while wildfires in the Pacific Northwest send homeowners scurrying for cover.`

Pandemics, insurrections, indictments, climate change, the oil crisis, monetary policies and raging politics ensue as another presidential election looms.

“Factors like that” pique the interest of Tanner Jackman, of Olathe, a junior portfolio manager for Salina-based United Capital Management.

All of the above issues and more, contribute to the daily toils of the 24-year-old member of a UCM team charged with protecting and growing client assets.

“I’ve got my ears open for just about anything going on in the world,” he said. “There’s always something affecting markets.”

The rodeo cowboy who grew up in Baldwin City, has tackled difficult, sometimes dangerous, situations since he was a boy, competing in dusty arenas throughout the High Plains.

It’s where he was introduced to United Capital founder and CEO Chad Koehn, some 20 years ago. Jackman shared chutes with the Montezuma farmer and wrangler, also with the boss’s sons, Landon and Jess.

“I’ve known Tanner since he was four years old,” Koehn said. “I have a heavy focus on rural Kansas kids, particularly those within the Kansas Rodeo Association. They work hard and spend a lot of hours doing what they love, and perfecting it.”

This gig is different, but just as competitive, and Jackman is just as addicted.

“I do like the heat, and the pressure,” he said, referring to the team of experts at UCM, led by Koehn and Jerry Harris, managing director, Jared Schamberger, senior portfolio manager, Steven Plott, junior portfolio manager; and Ryan Kolzow, registered principal.

“We’re all on the same team,” said Jackman, youngest of the troupe. Members consult in person or by phone almost daily, and meet en masse every Friday, to discuss current issues and finalize strategies to protect and grow clients’ holdings.

And just like competitors on the rodeo circuit, members of the youthful UCM team “demonstrate their passion on a daily basis,” Koehn said.

In return, they collect high praise.

“We talk about the events of the week, the events coming up, and the overall views of where we’re at as a whole company as an RIA (Registered Investment Advisor), all of the assets we manage,” he said.

The banter includes some occasional debate, Jackman said, as there should be.

“We all have a voice, and hash it out a bunch, but we do really rely on Jerry’s expertise and knowledge,” Jackman said. “I definitely feel the pressure of the team, and I also rely on Jared and Steven. We offer our opinion, figure it out, have a vote, and kind of go from there. It’s interesting how it plays out.”

Interim periods of his workdays are spent staying in tune with current events around the globe during this stage of market volatility and extremes.

Jackman is a “big fan” of such broadcasts as the Bloomberg News, reports from the Morningstar financial services firm, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, anywhere he can glean information to spot trends that might affect portfolios.

“It definitely helps trying to know everything,” Jackman said. “Also, you might not make adjustments right off the bat, but it’s piecing it all together, and trying to create a narrative.” 

The cha-ching of wealth snared his interest at a young age. His father, Clarke Jackman, of Baldwin, worked for Frontier Farm Credit. Older brother, Austin, of Overbrook, is a credit analyst for U.S. Bank. His younger brother, Chase, is a junior at K-State, and their mom, Leslie Jackman, is a kindergarten teacher in Baldwin.

Tanner was following in their footsteps until standard finance classes at Kansas State University nudged him to take a slight fork on the money road. He was introduced to investments.

“Now you make money work for you,” Tanner Jackman said. “You never quit learning in this business, with everything going on in the stock market.”

He interned at UCM in Salina in 2021 — passed the Series 65 license that July — and after completing his degree at K-State, joined the staff full-time in January 2022.

“Tanner’s incredible. He’s always been amazing in everything he does,” Koehn said. “He’s very reliable, very dependable.”

Jackman works out of the UCM office in Olathe, in an insurance office owned by David Ward, who is also a UCM advisor. Ward’s three sons, a daughter and a daughter-in-law, work at the insurance firm.

“It’s a family affair over here, for the most part,” Jackman said.

His education continues, with the goal of becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Jackman completed Level I in 2022 and is currently a candidate for the Level II exam, which he has scheduled to take in November.

“It’s something I’m working towards,” he said. “I’ve got to have more work experience.”

More than money occupies Jackman’s time. Thoughts of his future include girlfriend Mia Scott, of Highland, Kansas.

Jackman’s a keeper, Koehn said, “for his work ethic and ability to communicate with people.”