Governor Kelly Signs Bipartisan Bill to Improve Cybersecurity and Protect Kansans' Privacy

Governor Kelly Signs Bipartisan Bill to Improve Cybersecurity and Protect Kansans' Privacy

Governor Kelly signed six bills including House Bill 2019, which improves public awareness of cybersecurity incidents; authorizes the State to make changes to cybersecurity training, assessments, and responses; and modernizes Kansas cybersecurity systems.

“In today’s digital world, it is essential to ensure cybersecurity measures are in place to protect communities across Kansas,” said Governor Kelly. “I am pleased to sign House Bill 2019, a bipartisan solution that protects privacy and taxpayer dollars by improving our ability to prevent and respond to cybersecurity attacks.”

“With the passage of HB 2019, the State of Kansas makes significant progress towards safeguarding its systems and data,” said Jeff Maxon, interim chief information technology officer. “Through mandatory reporting, the bill increases communication between the State and its public and private partners to ensure that we address cybersecurity in a holistic fashion. The bill also helps create a cohesive standard for cybersecurity policy across state agencies. As a steward of citizen data, the State has made cybersecurity is a top priority, and HB 2019 puts in place the necessary resources to protect the citizens of Kansas.”

In addition to House Bill 2019, Governor Kelly signed five bills that address public safety and other issues impacting communities across Kansas, including:

House Bill 2015: Expands who from a public safety agency can petition the court for an order requiring infectious disease testing. Employees within the scope of this law include corrections officers, emergency services staff, juvenile correctional facility staff, and law enforcement.

House Bill 2020: Establishes conditions in the Kansas Transportation Network Company Services Act for when drivers for transportation network companies, including Uber and Lyft, are independent contractors. The bill would also add to employment-related law that a requirement for or the use of a motor carrier safety improvement would not affect or change the worker status of a driver.

House Bill 2027: Creates a procedure to prevent the distribution of a person’s assets to someone charged with killing that person.

House Bill 2042: Authorizes self-storage unit operators to tow motor vehicles, watercraft, or trailers for not paying rent or abandoning their belongings.

House Bill 2065: Allows a court to change a spouse's name to a name that is different than a maiden or former name during a divorce proceeding.