Governor Kelly Signs Bill to Expand Resources for Students with Dyslexia

Governor Kelly Signs Bill to Expand Resources for Students with Dyslexia

Governor Kelly signed four additional bills, including House Bill 2322, which updates the Special Education for Exceptional Children Act to include dyslexia under the list of disabilities covered. Now, schools will be required to provide additional resources and support to students with dyslexia.

"Ensuring our special education students have the tools they need to thrive is one of my top priorities. That means recognizing all students — including students with dyslexia — who may need additional support and resources," said Governor Kelly.

"As someone who has always struggled with dyslexia, I support this legislation as an important step to ensure our kids get the support they need," said Senate President Ty Masterson.

"This legislation will ensure that all students with dyslexia receive services designed to grow their literacy and language skills, which is essential to support our students and grow our economy," said Jon Rolph, President of the Kansas Board of Regents. "I’d like to thank Governor Kelly and the Kansas legislature for their commitment to improving the lives of our students with dyslexia.

Governor Kelly signed three other bills:

House Bill 2216: Removes the mandatory five day term of imprisonment for first-time offenders that drive with a license that has been canceled, suspended, or revoked due to failure to appear in court or pay fines.

House Bill 2214: Updates references to the names of state correctional facilities in statute, including updating the name of the Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility to the Larned State Correctional Facility.

House Bill 2336: Increases the ability of local airport authorities to bond for public construction and improvement projects.