Fire Damages Mini-Golf Cave at Former Jumpin' Joe's

Fire Damages Mini-Golf Cave at Former Jumpin' Joe's

Emergency responders were called to Jumpin' Joe's Amusement Center on Thursday morning after reports of a fire at the establishment's miniature golf course.

At approximately 10:30 a.m. on November 29, fire crews and law enforcement officers responded to the scene at 1634 Sunflower Lane, where they discovered a small fire within the concrete cave area of the putt-putt golf course.

According to preliminary investigations, the fire appears to have been started using pieces of wood and plastic piping. Authorities suspect the fire may have been set by someone seeking warmth, though no individuals were found at the scene.

The concrete structure sustained damage, though the exact extent and value of the damages have not yet been determined. Officials report that the investigation is ongoing, and no suspects have been identified at this time.

Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact local law enforcement.

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