Ensure Safety & Celebrate Responsibly: "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" Campaign Urges Caution This Holiday Season

The Kansas Department of Transportation, in collaboration with various agencies, is issuing a crucial reminder to all drivers as the holiday season approaches: "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" to prevent potential tragedies.

"As friends and families come together across our state, the Kansas Highway Patrol stands ready to ensure your safety," stated KHP Captain Candice Breshears. "Additional enforcement measures will be in place throughout the holidays. Please play your part to ensure everyone reaches their destinations safely."

While law enforcement consistently enforces this rule, heightened vigilance will be exercised from December 13 to January 1 to eliminate impaired drivers from Kansas roads.

According to KDOT, during the period from December 13, 2022, to January 1, 2023, a total of 26 lives were lost on Kansas roadways. Among these, 9 fatalities and 75 injuries resulted from crashes involving impaired drivers, contributing to 152 impaired driving-related incidents.

Gary Herman, KDOT Behavioral Safety Manager, emphasized, "Any driver operating a vehicle under the influence jeopardizes themselves, fellow travelers, passengers, and others. This enforcement period aims to underscore the severe consequences of impaired driving, including potential jail time, license/vehicle revocation, and financial penalties of up to $10,000."

To curb impaired driving, individuals are urged to plan ahead before engaging in festivities.

"We all share the goal of reducing traffic crash fatalities in Kansas," remarked Jeri Biehler, Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) Communications Manager. "The KTA encourages all travelers to enjoy the season responsibly, with a designated driver or rideshare service in place."

Safe alternatives to impaired driving include:

  1. Stay home if drinking is part of the plans.
  2. Take away the keys and devise a plan to ensure friends reach home safely.
  3. Report suspected impaired drivers to local law enforcement.

For valuable impaired driving educational resources in Kansas, visit www.ktsro.org/impaired-driving.