Cup of Joe - September 8, 2024

by Joe McKenzie 

Iwo Y Jima: Witnessed a loose re-creation of the iconic flag raising at Iwo Jima while leaving the YMCA recently. It looked like they were hooking up a fresh Kansas flag to fly with the Stars and Stripes. They had gathered a team of 5 and it was a diverse group of staff. Iwo Jima had 6 Marines in the classic patriotic and inspiring image. A second, larger flag was raised there after seeing how inspiring the first flag was for the Marines. So, the ceremony at the Y was less heroic, (and I don’t know what kind of day they had had that morning), but it was still inspiring to see the teamwork and always worth the effort to raise two beautiful flags.  

Empty Pool: Is a swimming pool full of chlorinated, filtered water considered empty when no one is swimming, wading or floating and the air temp is 90 degrees plus? Maybe, it’s just wasteful, but beautiful sparkling water often goes unused in back yards, at motels and apartment complexes. Not everyone swims. Some people don’t feel safe swimming alone.  Others are just there for the sun, which doesn’t count. Most kids would want to have access to a pool in summer. But, I often see unused pools and wonder why. None of my business. 

Arctic Monkeys: Ever hear a string of catchy songs at a local coffee shop or restaurant and realize none of them were exactly familiar? Be honest, it happens. I used to think they were actually written and recorded for places like that. Probably not, but coffee shop music has become a genre, like the semi-innocuous elevator music. Do they have a genre for seedy bars?  Probably not. But, if you take the number of coffee places times the hours, these songs get heard a ton. Pop. Generally light weight. Often romantic and overly produced, but they apparently do not drive coffee drinkers away. Now, I can’t even remember the Arctic Monkey song I heard. Add forgettable or easily blended in and mixed up with other songs by old men drinking afternoon coffee.   

Fossils: I don’t associate college students with fossils, but at KWU’s Peters Science Hall, there are some wonderful Kansas fossils on display. No, they are not faculty or Faculty Emeritus. The display case is just inside the west entrance off Cloud St. In addition, there is a startling Golden Eagle. The eagle may have been created by a higher power, but Jerry Scott, former Salina Fire Marshall, did the incredible taxidermy work. Jerry was always so active in the community, including Scouting and he was never in danger of becoming a fossil. 

Rendering: Architectural renderings are an artistic peak into the future, not a promise of exactly how the final construction project will be completed. Too bad. They are often the best possible outcome - if there is a full budget. The Smoky Hill River Project rendering shows a wonderful view of a S. 4th Street plaza. You don’t recognize it, except for The Garage across the street. One of the cool things is that future people are not staring at their phones. Or taking a selfie. That’s a promising future. And, there is only one middle aged couple who are pudgy. Is that an Ozempic future? How exciting! The river people look shiny and happy. And, younger. Who wouldn’t support a potential future that is rendered so well? And, here we thought it was just going to be a river. Thanks Friends of the River !