Crime Stoppers: Vehicle Arson

Crime Stoppers: Vehicle Arson

On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at about 1:20 A.M., a vehicle fire was reported in the parking lot of Lowe’s, 3035 S.9th, Salina, Saline County, Kansas.

Upon arrival, a 2001 silver Buick LeSabre four door was located fully engulfed.
Fire investigators classified the fire as an arson, with the vehicle valued at $5000.

If you have any information concerning this incident or identification of the individual involved, call Crimestoppers at 825-TIPS. You can also make an on—line tip at:

You may receive a cash reward of up to $1,000. Tipsters may also contact the Salina Police Department at (785) 826-7210, case 2024-36833.

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