County Commission Approves Contract for 2023 Pipe Lining Project

At Tuesday's County Commission Meeting, Commissioners heard from Saline County's Road and Bridge Department, on the award of the contract pertaining to the 2023 Pipe Lining Project. The sealed bids were received on July 31, 2023, at 11 am. The total count of received bids was six.

This project targets nineteen specific pipe locations spread across Saline County. The proposed approach involves the lining of the existing pipes using either concrete or a cured-in-place liner.

Mayer Specialty Services, LLC was this year’s contractor and was the low bidder again this year.

  1. Accept the bid unit prices from Mayer Specialty Services, LLC for 19 pipe locations
  2. Accept a bid from a different contractor
  3. Reject the bids and direct staff to the wishes of the board

The recommendation was to accept the bid unit prices from Mayer Specialty Services, LLC for pipe lining at 19 locations for an estimated cost of $578,273.

In terms of budgetary impact, the financial resources for this project are to be drawn from the 125 Account (2-mil)– Special Bridge Construction. As of now, this account boasts an unencumbered balance of $1,638,975.05.

The motion was approved 5-0.