County Commission Approves Bid Award for Upcoming 2023 RCB Construction Project

In the latest County Commission meeting held on Tuesday, Commissioners considered a bid award for the upcoming 2023 RCB construction project. The sealed bids, were unveiled at 11 am on July 31, 2023. A total of four bids were received and considered.
Various Courses of Action Explored
Several potential courses of action were evaluated regarding the bids:
- One option discussed was to accept the bid with the lowest cost, submitted by Reece Construction.
- Another path open for consideration was the bid from an alternative contractor.
- The commissioners also pondered the possibility of rejecting all received bids. In this case, the staff would be instructed to follow the directives set forth by the Board.
Staff Makes a Recommendation
Staff recommended accepting the unit prices submitted by Reece Construction for all projects for the amount of estimated work to equal $775,807.33.
Budget Impact
The funds allocated for these projects are to be drawn from the 125 Account (2-mil), designated for Special Bridge Construction. Currently, the available unencumbered balance in this account stands at $1,638,975.05.
The motion to approve the bid award was approved 5-0.