County Commission Approves Additional Asphalt Overlay Projects

At the meeting on July 23, 2024, the County Commission approved a change order to the existing asphalt overlay contract with APAC-Kansas, adding two new projects to the scope of work. The decision, recommended by the Engineering Department, leverages available funds from the Road and Bridge budget to address additional road improvement needs.

The original contract, executed earlier this year, included a 2-inch overlay on Halstead Road from State Street to Pleasant Hill Road and on State Street from K-140 to Halstead Road, at a cost of approximately $1,032,863.35. With a budget of over $3 million for asphalt work, including Federal Fund Exchange Program funds, and after accounting for other projects, about $226,338.43 remained available.

The approved additional projects are:

  1. A 2-inch asphalt overlay of Pleasant Hill Road from Hedville Road to Winchester Road (Sundowner West), including asphalt approaches to two access roads into Sundowner West, at a cost of $136,426.97.
  2. Milling and asphalt overlay of 300 feet of Water Well Road, west of Crest Lane, to remove "wavy" pavement, at a cost of $14,191.94.

The total cost for these additional projects is $150,618.91, bringing the new contract price to $1,183,482.26. This change order leaves approximately $75,719.52 in the budget for any unforeseen costs in the 2024 asphalt program.