Commission Meetings Changing Schedule in 2024

During Monday's City Commission Meeting, Commissioners delved into critical topics, including Resolution No. 23-8174, which proposes amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Order of Business for conducting Board of Commissioners meetings. The discussion encompassed the scheduling of regular meetings and the process for adopting ordinances. Additionally, Ordinance No. 23-11186, focused on modifying Section 1-5.1 of the Salina Code concerning the consideration of ordinances, was thoroughly examined.

To provide context, the City Commission had previously requested a study session on August 28, 2023, to explore the frequency of meetings and the requisite readings for ordinance passage. Following this session, a consensus emerged, prompting staff to assess scenarios involving two meetings per month, considering different days of the week, and preparing a companion ordinance for single-reading ordinance passage.

Staff meticulously reviewed meeting schedules of various City boards, committees, and County counterparts, factoring in Monday holidays in 2024. After careful consideration, it was determined that retaining City Commission meetings on Mondays would be the least disruptive and most conducive overall.

Given the Planning Commission's schedule on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, aligning City Commission meetings on the 2nd & 4th Mondays emerged as the most conducive option. The resolution reflects this adjustment, amending Rule No. 1 to specify regular meetings on the 2nd & 4th Mondays. However, the frequency and days of meetings remain open for further deliberation by the City Commission.

The resolution also acknowledges potential holiday disruptions in 2024, such as Memorial Day falling on the 4th Monday of May and Veterans Day on the 2nd Monday in November. The resolution maintains the provision that if a regular meeting coincides with a holiday, it will be held on the following Monday.

Discussion also revolved around the possibility of transitioning to one-reading ordinances. While there was consideration of specifying topics for two readings, the consensus favored a case-by-case approach. Both the resolution and ordinance provisions are deemed easily amendable if necessary.

The amendment to Rule No. 21 eliminates the requirement for two readings of ordinances unless mandated by law. This aligns with Kansas statutory modifications in 2012, retaining a majority vote for adoption unless otherwise specified.

Resolution No. 23-8174 was approved 4-1, effective January 1, with Commissioner Longbine dissenting. Notably, there is no fiscal impact associated with either Resolution No. 23-8174 or Ordinance No. 23-11186.