Coffee Chat with Superintendent Exline

Salina Public Schools announces an upcoming event that is open to all community members – a Coffee Chat with Superintendent Linn Exline. This is a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and share with the leader of our school district. As Superintendent Exline says, "Your voice matters," and this is your chance to make it heard.

The Coffee Chat is a chance for you to ask questions, express your thoughts, and share your ideas. It's also an opportunity for you to hear about the exciting plans and initiatives that are in store for our schools. At SPS, we believe in the power of communication and collaboration, and this event is a perfect example of that.

Mark your calendars now for Thursday, January 25 from 10-10:45 a.m. at the District Office. This is a great chance to have a casual conversation with Superintendent Exline over a cup of coffee. Join us for direct conversation and to help make a difference in our schools.