Salina City Commission Approves Authorization for Overlook Estates Addition

The City Commissioners approved a request with a 5-0 vote seeking authorization for City staff to prepare a Special Assessment Engineering Feasibility Report for internal improvements benefiting the Overlook Estates Addition. The proposal also included authorization for staff to design, acquire needed easements, prepare cost estimates, and construct an off-site water line extension serving the mentioned addition.

The Overlook Estates Addition, situated on the west side of South Marymount Road, south of the River Run Addition, and west of Great Life Golf and Fitness, is the focal point of this request. The city outlines a comprehensive process for the residential subdivision improvements, which involves zoning, preliminary and final platting, infrastructure design plans, City Commission authorizations for special assessment financing, approval of a benefit district petition, and construction of streets and utility lines.

The Planning Commission, in its March 21, 2023 meeting, approved the final plat of the Overlook Estates Addition, including variations from the Subdivision Regulations. Conditions for the approval include responsibilities for public improvements, water line connections, design plans approval, construction of an emergency access road, completion certificates, lot grading plans, underground utilities, sidewalk construction, park impact fee reduction, automatic sprinkler systems, mailbox coordination, Homeowner’s Association setup, and adherence to Subdivision Regulations.

The current approval only authorizes the preparation of engineering feasibility reports. This marks the initial step in the special assessment financing process, showcasing a meticulous approach to residential subdivision development.