City Commissioners Approve Funding for Essential Fire Training Tower Repairs

At Monday's City Commission meeting, commissioners approved the City Manager to enter into agreements with Fire Facilities Inc and JTL Construction. The approved funds amount to $35,836 for materials from Fire Facilities Inc and an additional sum not exceeding $42,436 for JTL Construction.

In November 2022, the Salina Fire Department conducted a 5-year inspection of their training tower. The inspection revealed urgent repairs needed for the insulation and paneling in the burn room, a crucial space for live burn training. This controlled environment is vital for demonstrating various firefighting techniques and procedures. Addressing the burn room necessitates the estimated $35,836 investment in materials.

The specific insulation and paneling system required for the Training Tower is exclusively supplied by Fire Facilities Inc. Despite initial recommendations for pre-approved contractors, further discussions have allowed the SFD to opt for a local contractor, with Fire Facilities Inc providing installation instructions.

The Salina Fire Department initiated a bid solicitation process in October 2023.

Fiscal Note:
As part of the 2023 budget preparation, the Salina Fire Department sought $85,000 (Sub CIP-Funds) for bailout systems crucial for firefighter safety and rapid intervention during emergencies. However, the allocated budget for this project was only $42,000. Recognizing the critical importance of the project, the department is planning to request additional Sub-CIP funds in 2024.

The $42,000 required for the 2023 bailout systems will be sourced from the allocations in the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund. Any supplementary costs for burn room repairs will be covered from the Fire Department's annual operating budget savings.

The funding request was approved 4-0. Mayor Hoppock was not present.