City Commission Debates Fairness of Facility Use Fees for Kansas Wesleyan

On Monday the Salina City Commission meeting discussed the facility use fees charged to Kansas Wesleyan University for using Dean Evans Stadium, Pestinger Family Stadium, and other city sports facilities. Commissioners expressed concerns about the wear and tear caused by adult-sized college athletes compared to younger, smaller players, and debated whether the current fee structure fairly reflects the costs associated with maintaining the fields.

The conversation highlighted the need to balance fair pricing with the goal of maintaining a strong relationship between the city and Kansas Wesleyan University. Some commissioners argued that the university should bear a larger share of the maintenance and replacement costs due to the increased usage by its teams, while others emphasized the importance of partnerships with local institutions.

Commissioners discussed the possibility of revising the fee structure, particularly for college practices and games, to better account for the size and frequency of use by Kansas Wesleyan's teams. They also considered adding a category for out-of-town teams and revisiting the issue of oversized teams to ensure that the fee structure is equitable for all users.

The debate remains ongoing, with the commissioners agreeing to revisit the matter in future meetings to ensure that the fees are fair and that the facilities remain well-maintained for all users.