City Commission Approves Request for Special Assessment of Wheatland Valley Addition

During Monday's City Commission meeting, commissioners discussed a request regarding the preparation of a Special Assessment Engineering Feasibility Report for Phase II of the Wheatland Valley Addition.

In July of 2017, Dan Daley submitted applications for a zoning change and a preliminary plat for the Wheatland Valley Addition. This proposed subdivision included 78 lots on a 31.63-acre parcel of land between the East Crawford Recreation Area and the Magnolia Hills Estates Addition. After a public hearing in September 2017, the Salina City Planning Commission recommended approval of the zoning change and preliminary plat, subject to several conditions.

These conditions included responsibilities for public improvements, underground utilities, sidewalks, and landscape berms along Markley Road. Additionally, a benefit district was created in November 2019 to upgrade Markley Road to city street standards. Mr. Daley's property fell within this district, fulfilling a requirement for a Development Agreement.

In December 2019, the Planning Commission approved the final plat for Wheatland Valley Addition, subject to conditions like constructing a sidewalk along Markley Road and providing a landscape berm. The City Commission concurred with this decision, paving the way for Mr. Daley's development.

However, a delay ensued due to financing considerations and the onset of COVID-19. Finally, on June 14, 2021, the City Commission approved an Improvement District Development Agreement for Phase I of Wheatland Valley Addition.

Mr. Daley is now eager to proceed with Phase II of his subdivision, consisting of 28 lots east of Phase I. He has submitted an application requesting City Commission approval to use special assessment financing for the necessary public infrastructure.

This financing approach involves municipal bonds to fund infrastructure like water, sewer, storm sewer, and streets. Assessments are then levied on benefiting properties to recover costs. Developers are required to provide financial security, and in case of default, a lien may be placed on the property.

The City Commission passed a motion 4-0, with Mayor Hoppock recusing himself, to authorize the preparation of an engineering feasibility report and Resolution of Advisability for Phase II of Wheatland Valley Addition.