On Tuesday through Thursday, September 5 through 7, APAC Shears of Salina will continue the City of Salina's annual ultrathin bonded asphalt surface project. The schedule is as follows, weather permitting:
Motorists are urged to avoid work zones altogether or proceed with
caution for the safety of the crews performing the work.
This type of preventative maintenance is fairly new to Salina but has
been used to help extend the life of many roads around the State of
Kansas. It consists of a thin, coarse aggregate hot mix over a special
asphalt membrane similar to a chip seal but placed in one pass with a
spray paver. The membrane prevents water intrusion and provides a
superior bond to the old asphalt. The overlay can disperse water
quickly off the surface, which reduces roadway spray from vehicles and
provides greater visibility and traction in wet weather. UBAS has
performed well for other cities and provides a good friction surface in
wet weather.
The $759,000 project is a major part of the City of Salinaโs $4.7 million
2023 maintenance capital improvement program.